Here you'll be able to check the latest news contained in the newsletters biweekly to parents of Third and fourth Means to learn more about the new officers of the new Test of Access to Higher Education.
Resultados Jornada 3 de Preparación PAES
Los días 29 y 30 de mayo los estudiantes de 3ro y 4to medio participaron de la 3ra. Jornada de Preparación PAES. Esta vez se aplicaron los ensayos obligatorios de Competencia Lectora y Matemática (M1) y las pruebas electivas de Historia, Ciencias y Matemática 2 (M2)
Pueden revisar los resultados con el RUT del alumno en el siguiente link

Online talk about Scholarships UAndes
In order to explore in depth the benefits and coverage of the different scholarships that delivers the University of The Andes, whether academic score PAES, economic, and power, there will be an online talk on the 25th of October at 18:30 hours.
Sign up for this LINK to participate in the chat and get to know the Scholarships Internal UAndes.

Final trials UDD
Begins the final stretch of rehearsals UDD. Are two dates that you can register and participate:
Saturday, November 11
Saturday 18 November
More info HERE.
College Fair SCross
We have several activities have already been confirmed, so that they can know in depth the different colleges and careers that they are interested in. To write down on your agenda, until now we can tell the following:
– October 02, a Visit to the University of the Andes
– October 05, College Fair Scross
– October 06, a Visit to Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
– October 06, xCross Talks II 2023
– October 11, Expo Future Rookie UC
– November 03, Day 7 of preparation PAES (optional)
On the 5th day of October, between 13:45 and 16:00 hrs., we will make a college fair in the central courtyard where you can meet the different races, disciplines, forms of financing and benefits of the universities that we visit.

From September 13, and until the 27th of October you can apply online to all the races day of the Diego Portales university. You just need to complete the form prepostulación and attach the required documents depending on the route of admission that you want to apply.
Expo Future Rookie UC
On October 11, will attend the Expo Future Rookie UC campus San Joaquin Universidad Catolica.
This college fair is a tradition of the UC. The event offers a space a must to learn about all of the careers of undergraduate, also of the many different services you can access as a student at UC, the alternatives of funding that the University offers, among other useful activities and fun for the and future students.
We will travel by bus and depart at 10:30 hrs. to be back at 16:00 hrs.
The students of 3° and 4° medium must cancel at $5,000 which should give to your teacher, boss before the 10th of October.

Final offer of races, weights and vacancies regular

The day of 27 September, they released the official publication with the careers that will provide each of the 45 participating universities in the Admission Process, 2024, their positions, academic programs and campuses, or places where they are taught. You will be able to know what are the weights required. In addition, all information about careers and vacancies of the universities that offer the quotas for the PACE program of the Ministry of Education.
FEN – University of Chile
If you want to continue getting ready for the SEAP, we invite you to participate in the Trial PAES of Mathematics M2 at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile.
You can sign up on the following LINK

Official calendar Process PAES 2024

Tariff PAES
Are already available tariffs for the SEAP regular this year, which will be:
- Test 1: $14.700
- 2 tests: $26.850
- 3 or more tests: $39.000
What if I've never given up the PAES I may pay only a test?
When taking the PAES for the first time, you will have to pay the fee 3 or more testswhich includes the two mandatory and one or more optional, depending on the race of your interest.

Once again the University's Development invites our students to measure their knowledge in Mathematical Competence, I and Reading Competence.
Date: Saturday, may 06
Place: UDD, Campus Chancellor Ernesto Silva Bafalluy (Av Plaza 680, Las Condes)
Entries in this LINK.
Talk: The neuroscience of emotions
From Monday, April 17 and Friday, may 5, will be the first stage (early) application via Special Admission.
Who can apply?
You'll be able to apply through Special Admission, if you are a:
• Person with a university education (graduated or graduated/a, which asks for change of career and/or college, performs careers).
• Person who is located in inequality of conditions to perform the tests of the integrated process of admission to the chilean universities (secondary Education issued in foreign countries, with special needs that prevent them from taking the PAES in conditions of equity – visual, hearing or motor).
• Applicant prominent in the field of sport, artistic or scientific national (this condition must be accredited through the sponsorship of a recognized institution in the related discipline).
The information about the specific pathways that open call, also steps and dates of the process, is located on the website of Admission to UC.
We share the talk of the psychiatrist Spanish Marian Rojas-Estapé, where he explains how the understanding of the functioning of our brain and body helps us live a life more conscious, and to manage the healthy way the emotions and stress through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, breathing, or sport.
“To understand is to relieve, and when you understand by what goes on your mind, you feel relieved, because if not, you are a slave of physical symptoms, psychological, and you're lost for life”.

Application special and additional UC
From Monday, April 17 and Friday, may 5, will be the first stage (early) application via Special Admission.
Who can apply?
You'll be able to apply through Special Admission, if you are a:
• Person with a university education (graduated or graduated/a, which asks for change of career and/or college, performs careers).
• Person who is located in inequality of conditions to perform the tests of the integrated process of admission to the chilean universities (secondary Education issued in foreign countries, with special needs that prevent them from taking the PAES in conditions of equity – visual, hearing or motor).
• Applicant prominent in the field of sport, artistic or scientific national (this condition must be accredited through the sponsorship of a recognized institution in the related discipline).
The information about the specific pathways that open call, also steps and dates of the process, is located on the website of Admission to UC.
1st Essay PAES
UAndes Admission 2024
The University of The Andes invites you to a new experience PAES Saturday, April 15, from 08:30 hours.

1st Essay PAES UAI Admission 2024
This Saturday 22 April the Adolfo Ibáñez University has the pleasure to invite you to the 1st. Essay Test Access to Higher Education (PAES), which will be in conjunction with the graduate School Carez and Cordova to help you in the preparation of your income successful at the university, Admission 2024.
The activity will take place in two modes:
1. Face-to-FACE:
Saturday, April 22, on the campus Peñalolén, Santiago and Viña del Mar, where you will have the chance to live a real experience of surrender of the new test in a classroom UAI, get to know the campus, a visit to a fair with booths racing, Program of Liberal Arts, College Life, Sports, Exchange, Scholarships, pathways Direct Admission or Special, and more.
From Saturday 22 April until Thursday, April 27. This mode is intended especially for students from regions (different from the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso), and for those who do not have the possibility of attending in person to the campus. The SEAP will be available: Mathematical Competence M1 and Reading Competence.
• Face-to-face: until Monday, April 17 (or until the expiration of quotas face-to-face).
• Online: up to the Thursday, April 20.
Inscriptions HERE.
What is the ranking of the notes?
Prepare a presentation with the official documentation of the DEMRE so that they can understand what it is and how to calculate the score from the ranking of notes. We lack the data officer of the year 2021 (which we requested) so they can have all the information and thus have an idea of what could be the score that will contribute to your weight.
Accessing the presentation HERE.

1st Essay PAES UAI
The Adolfo Ibáñez University has the pleasure to invite to the 1st. Essay Test Access to Higher Education to be carried out in conjunction with the graduate School Carez and Cordova.
The activity will take place in two modes:
Saturday, April 22, on the campus Peñalolén, Santiago and Viña del Mar, where you will have the chance to live a real experience of surrender of the new test in a classroom UAI, get to know the campus, a visit to a fair with booths racing, Program of Liberal Arts, College Life, Sports, Exchange, Scholarships, pathways Direct Admission or Special, and more.
From Saturday 22 April until Thursday, April 27. This mode is intended especially for students from regions (different from the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso), and for those who do not have the possibility of attending in person to the campus. The SEAP will be available:
Mathematical competence M1 and Reading Competence.
Date of registration:
• Face-to-face: until Monday, April 17 (or until the expiration of quotas face-to-face).
• Online: up to the Thursday, April 20.
1st. Essay PAES U. Andes
The University of the Andes invites you to a new experience PAES Saturday, April 15, from 08:30 hours on the premises of the University.
Registration here

Check out the previous news of the month of march by clicking here