Old Stars

A meeting point where all the generations of alumni have a space to connect, share their experiences, be a support network and form a true community.

XCross Talks 2023

The Thursday 1 June we will visit 14 integrantres of the Old Stars, who will share his experience with our students of 11° and 12°. Vocational guidance of the same alumni that we know that our students will appreciate. Here are their profiles:

Release “The Eye and its senses”, by José Joaquín Undurraga

On the afternoon of the 27th of April, several graduates gathered in the Library of the school to witness the launch of the children's story “The eye and its senses”, written by our former student José Joaquín Undurraga. In the occasion were present to your family, friends and school authorities, who were able to hear the story of how you came up with the idea of creating the book and its creative process until you get to be marketed through Editorial Needle Literary.

The Eye and the senses account the entertaining history of one eye, who loves to observe the world. After getting to know each other, similar, their curiosity leads them to travel. In their tour van, by knowing the different parts of the body that connect us to our senses sensory. If you can see what each does, he fails to understand them. Finally you know Brain, who puts them in balance at all. What will be the relationship between the senses? How will you balance them?

As a college we are proud to host instances as these, to support our former students in their projects and return to them at our facilities to share their successes, personal and professional.

XCross Talks 2022

In October, the community of Former Students SCross performed the activity xCross Talks, collaborative discussions for the future with the students of 3° and 4° medium, in which they could share experiences from different areas. 

The exhibitors in this occasion, were the alumni of different generations, Daniel Halabi, Macarena Caceres, Andrea Caceres, Slavija Agnic, Daisy Denham, Manuel Altomonte, Gabriela Garstman, Melissa Carmody, Tomás Henríquez, Ingrid Plass Of the Corral and Maricruz Ormeño, who spoke from his experience in different professional areas such as entrepreneurship, health, humanities, engineering, and natural sciences, arts, and theatre.

“Go back to school after 20 years to share my professional experience with those who are ready to embark on adult life, was very rewarding. First, for having the opportunity to share what it is like to be a college student, decide on a profession and then exercise it. But I think that the most important, was to return to my roots, the hallways and the contact with teachers that I formed, and in some way see how it consolidates and manages the cycle of learning and of life, from childhood to adulthood,” said Melissa Carmody, of the generation 2002.

Festival “The Great Reunion”

On December 3, several generations of former students were at a party organised to pick up the contacts and re-viewed. In a fun environment and at the same place that saw them grow during their time in school.